In today's Dutch housing market, it's common to bid higher than the asking price. Developing a solid negotiation strategy is crucial to avoid overpaying due to emotional decisions. We've prepared the guide to help you negotiate the property price.

Negotiation Points

When negotiating, consider:

  1. Price
  2. Transfer date
  3. Movables
  4. Dissolving conditions

Movables (Roerende Zaken)

  • Clarify which items are included in the sale
  • If not specified, only the house itself is included
  • Be explicit to avoid future conflicts

Dissolving Conditions (Ontbindende Voorwaarden)

These protect you from being obligated to purchase if certain conditions aren't met. Common conditions include:

  1. Financing (mortgage approval)
  2. Technical inspection results
  3. National Mortgage Guarantee (NHG)
  4. Housing permit
Set these conditions before making your first bid
Missing the deadline for these conditions can result in a fine (typically 10% of the bid plus compensation)

Making a Bid

Once you've determined your strategy and conditions:

  1. Submit your bid to the seller (in writing, email, phone, or via the selling agent's website)
  2. Clearly state both your bid amount and dissolving conditions

The Negotiation Process

In the current market:

  • Blind bidding rounds are common, with the seller choosing the highest bid
  • For single bidders, the seller may make a counter-offer
  • Other parties can still make offers during your negotiations
  • The seller is not obligated to sell, even if you meet the asking price
  • The asking price can change at any time

If you follow these rules, you can close the deal on your own terms!